Stop your dog's barking

Stop excessive barking.

Don't cut your dog's vocal cords!

Use the method of positive and negative reinforcement.

First of all, what is positive reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement is a reward-based education method.

This involves rewarding the dog so that it repeats good behavior.

This method can be applied to correct barking, but it can be applied to all bad behavior that you want to correct.

Process to follow :

Voice command, you tell your dog what to do, as soon as the dog does what you asked him to do, you reward him with a small treat, I mean small, no need to give a big piece. In fact, the dog will not know the difference between a small and a large treat and you can even reward him with this food he will be just as happy.

You can also use congratulations, saying “good dog”, and give him caresses.

What is negative reinforcement?

Unlike the positive method, negative reinforcement aims to correct a behavior that we do not want the dog to repeat, such as barking, running away, jumping on people, etc.

Which method is best?

Some prefer the positive method and others find the negative method more effective, what is even better is to combine the 2 techniques, this way training will be much faster.

How to stop barking?

You can buy an anti-bark collar for dogs , place it on your dog's neck, put it on and have very good results. Citronella collar, vibration, ultrasound or shock collar, you are free to make your choice.

Should the dog always wear its anti-yap collar?

Of course it all depends on the dog, because they are all different, some receive a correction, for example a small electrostatic shock, and that's it, they won't bark at all.

Often the owner removes the battery or puts the anti-bark collar in off mode, the dog still wears the collar without knowing the difference so it no longer tries to bark.

If you don't want your dog to wear a bark collar all his life, it would be best to use a combination of the positive and negative technique.

The negative in this case is the anti-bark collar which corrects the dog as soon as it barks.

To use the positive method, you must dictate a command to him, use a word such as ''Stop'', if the dog stops barking you can immediately praise him and give him a small treat, when I immediately say, this isn't 5 minutes later, it has to be quick so he knows why he's getting this reward.

Practice this method for a few weeks, then you can remove the anti-bark collar, as soon as the dog barks, you tell him “Stop” or the word you have previously chosen, if the dog stops immediately, you reward him , on the other hand if the dog does not listen to you at all and continues as he pleases, you can give him the anti-bark collar, this way he will associate that if he barks he will have to wear his collar.

Barking is a natural behavior for dogs; it is important to correct it only if necessary.

Moreover, if your dog barks in your absence, it could be separation anxiety, leaving him toys, which could occupy him and reduce this anxiety.

If your dog barks every 2 minutes and at unnecessary things, this is of course considered excessive barking and should be corrected, especially if you live in an apartment or a residential area.

It is better to invest a few dollars in a device and a few minutes of your time than to have to part with your faithful companion.

With his advice you are able to tackle the situation with the right tools.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on the subject.

See also our article: The different types of anti-bark collars .

You will find a large selection of anti-bark collars in our online store.

anti bark collar for dog

3 Responses



March 17, 2018

Bonjour, j’ai un épagneul papillon de 4 ans qui se met à aboyer sur les gens ou dès qu’ils font des gestes tout à fait banal et impossible de le calmer même avec un collier à spray et il le fait aussi en quand nous sommes seul. Peut-être quand associant la méthode positive aussi cela pourrait fonctionner mais faut-il changer le collier sachant qu’il continue même le collier se déclenche.
Merci de votre réponse

robert lachance

robert lachance

January 22, 2018

bonjour,je tai acheté un collier anti-fugue et ca fonctionne bien.mais la en auto en ville il jape après tout les passent et a la maison ca va.quelle collier serait bon pour lui.un schnauzer géant de 100 LBS.merci Robert.



August 12, 2017

Bonjour, j’ hésite pour mon choix de collier anti aboiement. J’ ai une Jack Russel de 7 ans qui ne supporte pas de rester seule. Elle aboie uniquement lorsqu’ elle est seule. En fait, elle n’ est pas seule, elle est avec une bouledogue française et une boxer qui sont sages. Lorsque l’ on rentre, elle a tellement aboyé qu’ elle est assoiffée. Que me conseillez vous ? Quel collier ? L’ idée du boîtier ultra sons me plaît. Merci par avance. Aurélie

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