Is your neighbor's dog barking? What to do?

Your neighbor's dog barks all day long and you are no longer able to hear him?

Whether in the countryside or in the city, every year many people come into conflict with their neighbors because of a barking dog.

If you want to stay on good terms with your neighbor, before calling the police, which will only make the situation worse, take 2 minutes to read this article.

We have two solutions to offer you.

First , the outdoor ultrasonic anti-bark box.

Ultrasonic anti-bark hut

The device looks a lot like a birdhouse, but in fact it is a weather-resistant anti-bark device that is placed outside the house.

Can be installed almost anywhere, on a branch or a wall, etc.

Its operation is very simple, you place the 9 volt square battery in the anti-bark device, then it is ready to operate.

All this done automatically, when the system detects barking it emits an ultrasound that only the dog can hear.

This shrill noise is very disturbing for dogs and makes them stop barking.

The mic can pick up up to 50 feet away, so if your neighbor's dog is more than 50 feet away it may not work.

Note that some dogs are more resistant to ultrasound, it does not seem to bother them that much.

It is impossible to know in advance whether or not the dog will react to the ultrasound emitted by the device.

So this anti-barking can be really effective and in some cases, really useless.

The best way to stop excessive barking will always be the electrostatic collar, which most people call the electric shock collar (but that is not the right term, as it is not at all comparable to electric shocks.)

The electrostatic collar works on all types of dogs, small, medium and large.

The barking will stop from the first day with this type of collar, but of course, you cannot go to your neighbor's house and install a collar in their dog's neck, this is where our 2nd solution comes into play.

2nd solution:

Tell your neighbor to contact us , whether by phone, email, live chat or directly in store, we will be in a good position to recommend the best collar for the breed of their dog, at the best possible price.

We are available 7 days a week.

Neighborhood arguments will then be avoided, at least for the yapping!

The number to reach us: 819-588-8184

1 Response

Rock Baril

Rock Baril

May 25, 2019

Quel est le prix pour le collier “électrostatique”?
Est-ce que les émissions d’ultrasons sont dommageables pour le chien?

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