The 13 foods not to give to your dog, danger of fatal poisoning

sad dog

It may be tempting to give your pet table food, but be careful not to feed it a potentially fatal food.

dog table food

Here is a list of toxic foods that should not be given to your dog, as they can cause serious problems and in some cases, death.

foods not to give to your dog


  • Avocado is toxic to dogs, it can cause vomiting and intestinal problems.
  • This food is also toxic to many animals, such as rabbits, horses and birds.


  • Beer and wine have the same effects in dogs as they do in humans, but the amount a dog can tolerate is much less than that of a human
  • Alcohol poisoning can cause vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing and drop in blood pressure, it can lead to coma and even death.


  • Affects the digestive system, nervous system and urinary system.


  • Chocolate is well known to be toxic to dogs, whether white or dark chocolate, both contain theobromine, which has the effect of stimulating the heartbeat and also has a diuretic effect.
  • If ingested by the dog it can cause vomiting, excessive thirst and abnormal heart rate.
  • Chocolate is a very dangerous food, if a large quantity is eaten it can cause a heart attack.
  • Dark chocolate contains a higher theobromine content than white chocolate, but it is also dangerous.


  • Caffeine is a cardiac stimulant, mainly has the same effects as chocolate.
  • Can lead to death, especially if the dog is very active.


  • Grapes can damage a dog's kidneys, although some can eat them without problem.
  • Many people tend to give grapes as if they were treats, but despite the lack of study on the harmful effects that grapes have on dogs, it is better to avoid giving them to them, it is safer that way. .

Milk and dairy products

  • Adult dogs are said to be lactose intolerant, so dairy products should be avoided, as they can cause diarrhea and digestion problems.


  • Nuts contain a lot of oil and fat, which can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.


  • Onions in any form, raw, cooked or even powdered are toxic to dogs.
  • They can destroy red blood cells, which reduce the oxygen supply in the blood, causing anemia.
  • Onions are very harmful to dogs, you should avoid giving them to them at all costs.


  • Too much salt is not good for anyone, it turns out that dogs tolerate it even less well.
  • Here are the symptoms of sodium poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature.

Raw egg

  • May cause poisoning by bacteria, for example e-coli and salmonella.
  • May also cause skin and coat problems if consumed on a daily basis.


  • Some mushrooms are very toxic to dogs and can cause serious problems to several internal organs. May be fatal and cause death.

Chicken bones

  • Cooked bones break easily, they are sometimes very sharp and super sharp, it could even perforate the stomach or cause choking.
  • It would be better to only give him bones sold in pet stores.


Did your dog eat a large amount of a toxic food?

What to do?

Consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

dog doctor

The dog will eat whatever is given to it, the owner is responsible for feeding it well.

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1 Response

duchène Amélia

duchène Amélia

October 04, 2018

C’est bien de connaitre les aliments toxiques pour nos animaux .Ceci est bien expliquer

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