Comparison of anti-escape fences for dogs

Comparison table to help you choose an underground anti-escape fence for dogs.

You must take into consideration the weight of your dog, the size of your land and the intensity of the shock.

For dogs under 10 lbs, the PetSafe PIG00-10773 is the best choice because at a minimum the electrostatics are lower than on all other systems and the receiver is very small.

For medium and large dogs you have more choices, but ideally choose a system with adjustable shock.

Click here for the wireless anti-escape system comparison table .

logo sherbrooke electronics Innotek SD-2000 PetSafe Stubborn PIG00-10777 Petsafe PIG00-10773 SportDOG SDF-100a PetSafe Yardmax
Correction level 1 5 4 5 5
Ability 5 acres 25 acres 25 acres 100 acres 10 acres
Reliability Good Excellent Very good Excellent Excellent
For dog 5 lbs and more 20 lbs and more 5 to 55 lbs 20 lbs and more 5 lbs and more
Surge protector Not included Included Included Not included Included
Guarantee 1 year 3 years 3 years 2 years 3 years
Note Good system at low price Ideal for stubborn dogs. Vibration + sound before the shock. Very small receiver. Low intensity shocks.

Included 1000 feet of cable. Vibration + sound before the shock.

    Compact and rechargeable receiver
    Picture innotek sd-2000 petsafe tetu anti-elopement for small dogs anti escape sportdog sdf-100a Petsafe yardmax
    Full description Description Description Description Description Description

    1 Response



    September 05, 2017

    Je voudrais un estimé pour 4 colliers pour chien de 20 livre et le système de clôture électrique sous terre pour environ 200 pieds Lignières

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