
Slow Paw 2 in 1 moderator bowl


Color: Blue

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The PAW 2-in-1 Slow Feeder & Lick Pad Combo is a fun and unique paw-shaped slow feeder with an interchangeable PAW Lick Pad with suction cup holder. The PAW Lick Mat can be used in conjunction with the Slow Feed Plate or as an additional treat time activity.

PAW Slow Feeder: Slows feeding by dividing a dog or cat's food into multiple shallow compartments where the food is dispersed wide rather than deep. Eating slowly reduces bloating and aids digestion. Each PetDreamHouse slow feed bowl allows for different types of food, from crispy kibble to fresh vegetables. Assorted compartment shapes and sizes introduce a variety of textures for pets. Each PAW bowl holds up to 1.5 cups of appropriately sized food.
