Most frequently asked questions about our anti-escape dog fences

Do the anti-escape systems work in winter under the snow?

Yes, whether wired or wireless, our anti-escape systems will work in summer and winter.

See also the article on this subject.

Does the wire need to be buried?

No, it is not necessary to bury the wire, however for aesthetic and practical reasons, it is ideal to bury it 1 or 2''. If you leave it on top of the ground, you can use hooks to hold the cable in place.

Does the wire absolutely have to be closed circuit?

Yes, you must connect both ends of the wire to the anti-escape system transmitter.

If you want to do part of the court, for example: back court only, or a line, you must retrace your steps with the wire.

See the diagrams.

How far from the wire does the warning start?

The distance is adjustable from approximately 3 to 12 feet. (On the PetSafe Yardmax model, you have the option of using the standard mode, which will be adjustable before the wire like all other anti-escape fences, or the option of using the Yardmax mode, this mode allows you to put the signal at from the wire, which gives your dog more space on the ground.

Wireless anti-elopement : if the dog leaves the area, will he receive a correction to come back inside?

No, the collar will not issue a correction if the dog returns to the area. (Tip: Take the time to do the training right and the dog simply won't go out)

What is the difference between your wired anti-escape fences ?

SportDog have 1000 feet included and PetSafe have 500 feet included.

The SporDog SDF-CT has a training remote control. (the collar is quite massive, so not ideal for small dogs)

The PetSafe PIG00-10777 is for really, really stubborn dogs.

The SportDog SDF-100-C is suitable for dogs 8 lbs and over. (vibration, sound + electrostatic)

The PetSafe PIG00-14673 is suitable for dogs 5 lbs and over

The PetSafe PIG19-15394 is suitable for dogs 8 lbs and over, it is the basic kit, ideal if you really don't have much to cover. The transmitter is less efficient than the others.

The PetSafe Yardmax (allows you to give 30% more space on the ground, because the signal starts from the wire, unlike other models which start a few feet before the wire.

Are wireless anti-escape systems better than wired fences?

Easier to install and moves easily, but not necessarily better.

Wireless systems form a diameter, example 105 feet on each side of the transmitter.

You can reduce the area, but you cannot change the shape.

Another good thing to know, wireless forms an invisible dome and for better signal reception, the ground must be ideally flat.

If the terrain has a LARGE slope, the signal may be lost there and the dog could pass through. No problem for small differences in altitude.

Invisible wire fences work on any type of terrain, whether flat or sloping, and you can demarcate the exact area.

Are anti-escape fences effective?

Yes very effective, the approximate success rate is 99%.

See the article on this subject.

From what age can an anti-escape system be used on a dog or cat?

From 6 months for electrostatics, but you can certainly start training younger using the sound warning only. The audible warning is usually on level 1 intensity.

What to do if the wire breaks?

Simply make a waterproof junction. This will take you a hammer and a gel capsule. (Do not use electrical tape)

See the article on this subject.

How do I cross hard surfaces (driveways, sidewalks, etc.)?

Concrete driveways and sidewalks (7C): Place the antenna wire in a suitable connector sleeve or create a groove using a circular saw or mason's blade. Install the antenna wire in the groove and cover it with a suitable water-repellent coating. For best results, clean off dust or other residue with a brush before applying the sealer. • Gravel or dirt driveways (7D): Insert the antenna wire into a PVC pipe or garden hose to protect it before burying it.

bury anti-escape cable

How to get your pet out of the authorized area?

Important : remove the receiver collar and leave it in the authorized area. Once your pet has learned to recognize the boundary of the area, he will not dare cross it to go for a walk or get in the car. Option 1 : Replace the receiver collar with a normal collar. Put your pet in a car that is in the authorized zone and drive out of the authorized zone. Option 2 : Replace the Receiver Collar with a regular collar and leash. Walk your pet out of the permitted zone by giving a command such as “OK” at a specific location within the boundary of the zone (such as the end of a driveway, sidewalk, etc.). Always leave the authorized area with a leash there; your animal will associate leaving the authorized area with wearing the leash, only in this place and only accompanied by a person. Initially, you may need to coax your pet with a treat and praise into agreeing to leave the permitted area. Note: you can also carry your pet outside the authorized area.

How do wired anti-escape systems work?

A radio signal is transmitted by the fence transmitter, via a buried wire, demarcating the perimeter you want for your dog. Your dog wears a receiver collar that detects the signal at the boundary. When your dog approaches the limit, the receiver collar emits a warning signal. If he advances further, he receives a harmless electrostatic stimulation which makes him jump. This stimulation will not hurt him, but will convince him to stay in the anti-escape zone you have established. Boundary flags are a temporary visual aid for your pet; remove them after dressing.

Where should the wired anti-escape fence transmitter be installed?

Place the fence transmitter: • In a protected, dry and well-ventilated area (1A, 1B). • In an area where the temperature does not drop below freezing (e.g. garage, basement, shed). • Attached to a fixed surface using mounting hardware (not included). A mounting template is included on the back of this manual. • At least 1 m from large metal objects and household appliances, as these can interfere with signal consistency (1C). Once the fence transmitter is mounted, the antenna wire must be routed out of the building. It is possible to do this through a window or a hole drilled in the wall. Verify that no utility equipment passes through the intended hole location. Check that the antenna wire is not cut or compressed by a window, door or garage door; if so, it could become damaged over time and break.

install a transmitter for an anti-escape fence

Is the electrostatic intensity adjustable?

Yes on each model the intensity is adjustable on each collar. You could therefore have several sizes of dogs on the same system.

They all have the audible warning before the correction and some systems also have the vibration in addition to the audible warning.

Can not find the answer to your question? Do not hesitate to contact us!

8 Responses



August 16, 2020

Bjr es ce que un emetteur de marque lacme peut fonctionner avec un collier du autre marque

Adam j

Adam j

August 16, 2020

Bonjour est il possible de fixer ou de passer le câble dans les mailles de grille de cloture
Merci de votre retour



August 16, 2020


“clôture virtuelle” pour mes 4 chiens
afin qu’ils n’accèdent pas à l’avant de notre terrain
pour ne pas gêner l’arrivée jusqu’à ma porte d’entrée

voir le plan : ligne 1 ou ligne 2 (Juste une ligne à ne pas passer, pas de délimitation tout autour du terrain)
Auriez-vous des idées ????

comment puis je envoyer une photo du plan de mon terrain

Cédric Jacquet

Cédric Jacquet

August 16, 2020

Bonjour ,

Pourquoi mon récepteur sone toujours en orange


le diraison

le diraison

May 25, 2019

j ai achetter une cloture sans fil et j arrive pas a l installe pouvais vous m aider merci

le diraison

le diraison

August 16, 2020

j ai achetter une cloture sans fil et j arrive pas a l installe pouvais vous m aider merci



November 03, 2018

bonjour,ma clôture antifugue avec fil non enterre fonctionne très bien l’été et des l’automne les colliers de mes chiens sonnent partout dans mon jardin même et surtout dans des zones non protégé.merci

sandra gagnon

sandra gagnon

June 18, 2018

J’ai votre clôture anti-fugue avec fil enfouie dans le sol, suite à des petits travaux de jardinage le fil aurait été sectionné. Ma question " existe t’il un moyen ou un appareil pour savoir où le fil aurait été sectionnė, pour ne pas avoir à déterrer tout le fil pour trouver le bris. Merci

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