How to adjust a shock anti-bark collar?

You bought an anti-bark collar , your dog is barking at the top of his lungs and doesn't seem to receive any correction?

Here are some possible reasons:

  • The collar may be defective.
  • The battery may be very weak or dead.
  • The collar may not fit properly.

For all anti-yelp shock collars, it is essential that the contact points touch your dog's skin.

If the contact points do not touch, the dog will not receive any correction.

The adjustment will be the same for an electric collar, ultrasound collar, vibration and citronella collar.

Adjustment of the collar in the dog's neck.

The collar should be tight, only a finger should be able to fit between the collar and your dog's neck.

The collar should not be able to move easily, even if the dog runs or scratches.

With a finger the collar may appear to be too tight, but in reality the dog can breathe very well and should not disturb your companion in any way.

Where to place the anti-bark box?

golden anti bark collar

The small box which is located on the collar must be placed directly on the throat of your little yappy.

You should definitely not put it on the top of the neck, as the collar will tend to move.

Many models have a vibration sensor, which picks up vibrations from the vocal cords, so again the location needs to be directly on your dog's throat to do its job properly.

My dog ​​has long hair, what should I do?

Australian shepherd

If your anti-bark collar comes with 2 contact point kits, long and short, use the longer ones.

Otherwise the best solution is to lightly cut the hair where the pins will be in contact with the skin.

Once again it is very important that contact is made, because if your dog does not smell anything, the device will not be effective in stopping the barking and the battery will still continue to drain.

In conclusion:

  • It is also important to read the instructions included with your anti-bark collar.
  • Your dog should not wear it for more than 12 hours a day.
  • Be present during the first use.

Once you follow it's instructions, your dog should stop barking or reduce it significantly in a very short period of time.

You can contact us 7 days a week if you have questions about the fit, effectiveness, size of a collar, or for any other advice!

See also our interesting article : stopping your dog's barking .

The same technique is used for dog training collars :

3 Responses



August 16, 2020

J’ai acheté un collier anti-aboiement statique pour mon Westi, âge de 11ans. Il jappe à nous rendre malade et notre famille est en chicane a cause de cela. Après plusieurs différents essais j’ai choisi ce collier. Catastrophe! Quand il commence à japper, il crie comme Si on l’egorgeait, se met à courir d’une manière frénétique et tremble de tout son corps. Le cœur serré je le lui enlève rapidement pour l’arrêter de souffrir. E n’est pas normal. Qu’est-ce que je fais de pas correct?.je veux le corriger mais pas qu’il souffre.

Sherbrooke électroniques

Sherbrooke électroniques

November 02, 2017

Oui Huguette, aucun problème sous la pluie. 8239 rue de val-joli, sherbrooke



November 02, 2017

es ce que on peut lui faire porter quand il pleut a quel endroit a Sherbrooke vous êtes

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