Aetertek AT-919-C Training Collar User Guide

Here is the user manual for the remote education collar, Aetertek AT-919-C

The complete kit includes:

Aetertek at-919-c training collar complete kit

Charge the receiver and remote control for 3 hours.

aetertek at-919-c receiver collar

Then you have to synchronize the training collar with the controller.

To do this, stick the receiver on the remote control for 5 seconds.

The receiver collar rings, then press one of the 3 buttons (vibration, sound, shock) See a little further down in the guide, for the description of the buttons.

The collar rings again, it is now in sync.

synchronization aetertek at-919-c

aetertek at-919-c synchronization procedure

Description of buttons:

description of aetertek at-919-c buttons

To use the shock, press the 1st button.

For the audible warning, press the 2nd button.

For vibration, press the 3rd button.

To choose the dog, if you have 2 collars, press the 4th button.

The intensity of the shocks and sound is adjusted with the buttons on the side of the remote control.

To activate or deactivate anti-bark mode:

aetertek at-919-c training remote control

Press the button located on the back of the training remote control.

In the screen next to the small speaker

anti bark aetertek at-919-c

If anti-bark is activated, it indicates ON.

If anti-bark is deactivated it indicates OFF.

To turn on the light on the top of the remote control

Press the button on the back of the training remote control for 5 seconds, the light turns on.

To turn off the light, press the button on the back of the controller for 5 seconds.

Basic tips:

Place the collar on your dog's neck for a few days before starting training.

Do not wear the collar for more than 12 hours a day.

how to use a dog training collar

1 Response

Daniel Désautels

Daniel Désautels

February 19, 2017

Salut Éric

Je suis près bientôt pour un collier at-919-c ou L’autre 918 c

voudrais-tu me faire un excellent prix. combien tu le vends et à combien tu me le laisse

explique moi la différence des deux car c’est pour l’entraînement de mon gros toutou.

Si le prix me convient tu n’auras travaillé pour rien.


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