How to Use a Dog Training Collar

The training collar, an essential tool

The training collar is also called a training collar, recall collar, electronic collar, or dog training collar. No matter what you call it, it is true that it is a very practical and very effective tool, provided you know how to use it properly.

If you want one simply to shock your dog when he annoys you, well in my opinion you should find another solution!

It is not a tool of torture and is in no way cruel if used intelligently.

You should never start a training session if you are not in a good mood: if you give off negative energy, the dog will sense it and will likely become stressed. The use of the training collar should not be taken lightly and ideally consulting a dog trainer could increase the effectiveness of this wonderful tool.

Improper use could even make your dog's bad habits worse, so please read this article carefully.

Choose a model adapted to the size of your dog

As with anti-escape fences or anti-bark collars, you must choose a collar adapted to the size of your dog. For very small dogs (less than 8 lbs), we recommend the Aetertek AT-211: the intensity is suitable for small dog breeds, the receiver is really tiny and it is the smallest on the market. For dogs from 5 lbs, the Mini Educator ET-300 is our best choice.

For medium and large breeds, there are several models, which are normally designed for dogs weighing 8 lbs and more. You can view them here: browse our models.

First step, before use First of all, most people are in a hurry to use the training collar. As soon as the owner has the collar in hand, he quickly puts it on the dog's neck and begins to use it.

In fact, this is the thing not to do, because you must give the dog a period of familiarization, that is, you must place the collar in his neck, but not put it on and do not give no correction.

There is no magic number for the number of days for him to become familiar with the collar, but a good period is between 7 to 14 days. And yes you have to be patient!

What is the familiarization period for?

This period is very important. By wearing the collar without corrections, the dog will not make the connection between future corrections and the collar, so when you remove the collar from his neck, his behavior will remain the same, whereas if you do not do a familiarization period, he will make the link between the collar and the corrections. You can therefore imagine that as soon as the collar is removed, he will do whatever he wants as he sees fit.

In other words, in the dog's eyes, the collar should not seem like a punishment.

Trying the adaptation period is worth it, because it really is a winning formula.


Choosing a place to start training

When you start training your dog, you need to choose the right environment, that is, a safe and calm place, for example in your house and your backyard.

You have to take it step by step. When you have had success, you can then go to the dog park or other places with distractions.

Plan to use a training leash

With a 15 or 20 foot leash, the dog will be safe and the leash will make training easier.

Tip: Never attach the leash to the electronic collar, as the contact points will put pressure on the dog when you pull on the leash, so you will need a good old normal collar to attach the leash.

Start with small training sessions

You shouldn't ask too much of the dog. Small sessions of 15 to 20 minutes will ensure that the dog remains interested in training. When using the training collar, it is important to release the pressure, that is, after your dog has executed your command, you can have a short play session, with a ball or one of his favorite toys. . Talk to him in a cheerful tone, and then continue training.

What kinds of behaviors can be corrected using the training collar?

Here are some examples:

Running away, jumping on people, jumping on doors or cars, chasing other animals, aggressive behavior with humans or other dogs, excessive barking, digging holes, destroying your yard or rummaging through trash cans. The possibilities are almost endless.

Please note: If your dog exhibits aggressive behavior, we still suggest that you contact training professionals before starting to use the collar.

Establish a very specific voice command for each behavior.

It is necessary for the dog to know what you are asking him to do or not to do.

A voice command will be very useful when you don't have the remote control at hand. In addition, the dog will retain it very quickly and you will probably no longer need to use the collar.


Little tip for practicing recall:

For the recall, attach the dog to a leash and call your dog. If he doesn't come back to you, give him a little correction with the training collar and pull lightly on the leash. When he comes to you, don't forget to congratulate him and give him a small reward. Subsequently, repeat the same exercise without the leash during the next training sessions.

Does your dog jump on visitors?

This is a behavior that is very easy to correct.

As soon as you catch the dog in the act of jumping on someone, use a voice command, for example “out”. At the same time, you need to press the fix button. To be even more effective, rush towards the dog and chase it from your space.

This command is very useful and can be used on many other occasions.

Is a dog training collar really effective?

Here is a very simple comparison:

When you get into your car and do not wear your seat belt, your car emits a beep to alert you that your seat belt is not fastened.

Certainly, this signal will not hurt you or hurt you, but this noise becomes very tiring, so of course you will fasten your seat belt, so that this noise stops.

It's exactly the same thing with a training collar. When the dog behaves in a way that we want to change, he also receives a sound warning or a vibration that bothers him.

No, it doesn't hurt him, but it tires him, so as soon as he associates the behavior with this disturbing signal, he will stop reproducing it, very quickly.

In short, yes it is really effective and makes training easy and quick.

Collar adjustment

The receiver collar can be placed under the throat, but the best location is on the right or left side, just below the ear. At this location, contact will be better and you will be able to use lower electrostatic stimulation.

How to choose the intensity level of the shock?

First of all, you must check that the collar is tight enough: you must only be able to let one finger pass through it.

The contact points must touch the skin, so if your dog has very long hair, you should use the long contact points.

You should always start at the lowest level. If your dog does not react, during the next correction, increase the intensity by 1 level and so on until the dog reacts to the electrostatics. Observe the dog; the reaction should not be a cry of pain. Your dog may scratch or shake his head, which is a sign that he has smelled something.

Training with negative reinforcement

When the dog does something that is not correct, it must be corrected immediately, this is essential. There should be no delay for the dog to understand what he did wrong.

This is why it is best to avoid low-end collars, as the turnaround time is often rather slow.

You should always start with the audible warning. Why use electrostatics excessively if the audible warning gives good results?

Many are skeptical about the effectiveness of the sound mode and vibration, but from experience and thanks to numerous customer testimonials, I can tell you that the shock is most of the time unnecessary. Some people will use it once or twice and other people will never use it.

Personally I use vibration and if the dog doesn't react I use shock at low or slightly high level, it all depends on the situation and the distraction.

Many dog ​​trainers will only use shock, but at very low intensity and when the distractions in the environment are stronger (e.g. in a park with many screaming children, or when the dog sees an animal, etc. ) they momentarily increase the level of electrostatic stimulation and if the level of distraction is lower, they return to the minimum intensity that the dog will feel.

There is no universal method, so everyone has their own technique.

For more stubborn dogs, such as certain Pitbulls, Rottweiler, English Bulldog, you should choose a higher intensity collar, such as the SportDOG SD-425S.


Training with the positive reinforcement method

For example, when the dog does something good, it should be immediately rewarded. If you combine positive and negative reinforcement, you will have better results and easier and more enjoyable training.

With the training collar, you give your dog a command while using vibration or electrostatics and as soon as he has done what you asked, you immediately reward him. Remember, timing is everything.

You can also use a clicker for positive reinforcement (Not obligatory).

The operation of the clicker is very simple, you press the button, the clicker emits a sound and then you give your dog a treat or you simply praise him, the dog will then make a link between the sound of the clicker and the treats or Congratulations.

In the same way as with the electronic collar, there should not be a delay between the congratulations and the dog's action, this is very important.

The clicker is a very inexpensive, but very effective tool for positive reinforcement.


The error we see most often

The collar is not installed correctly; If you use the shock, it is essential to properly install the collar in your dog's neck.

In most cases, the collar is much too loose, so the dog hardly feels the shock, because the contact points do not touch the skin well. This has the effect that the master will increase the intensity of the shock, believing that the intensity was not strong enough. The collar will move and, sometimes, contact with the skin will be better and, as a result, the dog will feel the shock which, this time, will be much too strong.

You must therefore put it tightly, either on the throat or on the side of the neck. You shouldn't strangle him either. A maximum of one finger should pass between the collar and your dog's neck.

Install it and, a few minutes later, recheck that the collar is still in the same place and tight enough. If necessary, tighten it a little.

Little tip: install the collar while your dog is standing or lying down. His neck will be in a neutral position. If you place it while sitting, the dog will tend to have its head looking up or down. As soon as he stands up, the collar will move and become loose. A good brushing of the neck to remove dead hair will also improve good contact at the electrodes.

Training collars, like anti-bark collars and anti-escape collars, should not be worn 24/7. They should be worn for a maximum of 12 hours per day to avoid skin irritation due to friction with the contact points.

Finally, here are some points to remember:

  • Use the collar wisely.
  • Do not correct the dog if you have not caught him in the act.
  • Carry the remote control with a trouser strap or a belt or neck cord. Avoid putting the remote control in your pocket, this could accidentally trigger the receiver.
  • Start with vibration and, if necessary, shock.
  • Follow the familiarization period.
  • Only undertake training if you are in a good mood, otherwise postpone it for another day.
  • Start with very short training sessions and increase the training time after a few sessions.
  • Establish a specific voice command for each behavior.
  • Call dog behavior professionals if your dog exhibits aggression problems.

    Take good care of your dog and he will be grateful to you all his life, so be patient and you will get a lot of love in return.

    dog training collar

    7 Responses

    Broult thierry

    Broult thierry

    August 17, 2019

    J’ai une chienne malinois qui va avoir 2 ans très réactive. Le collier a electrostimulation que j’utilise depuis maintenant 2 mois environ la fait vraiment progresser. Bien utilisé c’est vraiment la solution pour certain chien difficilement gérable. J’ai encore beaucoup de travail mais on est sur la bonne voie Naya et moi. Pour son bonheur et le mien…



    August 17, 2019

    Ma chienne berger malinois mangeait tout ce qu’elle trouvait par terre en balade, (plastique, bouchons, morceaux de bois etc…) ce qui avait pour effet qu’elle était tous les jours malade et que le vétérinaire faisait partie de nos visites quasi quotidienne. Nous avons opté pour le collier de dressage, nous nous en félicitons, car notre chienne n’est plus malade, ne prend plus le risque de s’empoisonner ou de faire une occlusion. Il est juste nécessaire d’utiliser ce coller intelligemment et aucun stress pour l’animal. Plus de stress pour nous non plus, des balades tranquilles sans surveiller à chaque pas ce qui se trouve sur le chemin qui pourrait être avalé, ça change la vie!

    sylvain dominici

    sylvain dominici

    September 27, 2018

    comment tester l’appareil avant de le mettre autour du cou de l’animal



    January 10, 2018


    j’étais contre le collier de dressage, toujours possédé des chiens, mais bébés. ici, je viens d’adopter une femelle croisée dalmatien et berger allemand, 6 ans, battue, dans une ferme, liée, bref…Elle m’a adopté dès le premier jour et je lui donne bcp d’amour, j’ai commencé une éducation car elle n’en avait aucune, positiver et patience.
    Mais, elle aboie tout le temps, 5h du mat, hop! pour ne détruire mon travail, j’ai opté pour un collier avec commande à distance, au moins de mon lit, je peux l’éduquer, signal sonore deux fois puis vibrations et ça marche! les chocs électriques, suis pas pour.



    November 25, 2017

    Bon matin! Impossible de synchroniser mon collier ce matin . Il a chargé toute la nuit et je suis toutes les étapes à faire mais le collier ne répond pas…

    Poudac Patrick

    Poudac Patrick

    December 23, 2016

    mon chien a perdu le collier récepteur de dressage dans un secteur boisé Existe t’il un moyen électronique pour le retrouver



    February 26, 2016

    Merci pour ces précieuses indications. Elles sont très claires. Nous n’avons jamais eu à utiliser ce genre de produit car nous avons toujours eu nos chiens bébés (boxers). Mais maintenant nous venons d’avoir un boxer de 4 ans très sympathique comme tous d’ailleurs,mais qui n’est jamais sorti autrement qu’en laisse. Hors nous habitons la campagne ( et nous le lachons dès que les dangers de la route sont écartés),mais dès qu’il aperçoit un autre animal même loin, il s’en va sans aucun rappel. Nous avons donc opté pour un dressage avec collier. Par crainte de faire des bêtises,et après recherches sur le net nous avons trouvé vos conseils judicieux.
    Merci pour votre aide.

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