Imperfect sticks of dehydrated fruits and vegetables

Fast & FREE Delivery $89 and up.(24 to 72 hours on average) Priority Delivery 1 working day optional.

$9.99 for orders under $89.


Imperfect sticks of handmade dehydrated fruits and vegetables. Cooked with healthy ingredients, our sticks are free of preservatives. The dehydration process provides a completely natural crunchy treat. The sticks can be offered as a treat but also as a supplement to food.

3 recipes available:

  • - Carrots, sweet potatoes (orange)
  • - Cranberries, sweet potatoes, carrots (red)
  • - Duckweed, sweet potatoes, carrots (green)

The weight of each stick may vary. Price is based on weight equivalent to approximately 15g. It is therefore possible that you receive 1 or 2 sticks to respect the weight of 15g

Sold individually, random flavor.
